Biking and Kayaking
This is Part 3 of Our Bikes and the Trails We Ride On as if you didn’t know that already. This part covers the two trails we have ridden on located in and near Brooksville, Florida.
Diane and I have owned our Xspec MTBs ( I like anacronyms) for eight months now. We have ridden 17 miles of the Creeper Trail, and over 150 miles riding the New River Trail.
Warning- this post has lots of pictures!
Diane and I talked about it, and once we both decided we wanted a bike and no rack, I started researching folding bikes. We are not electric bike people. We wanted the true bike riding experience with all the fun and the pain that comes with it.
We now have made nearly 100 trips on a river somewhere in our Sea Eagle, (and it has certainly paid for itself). We are looking forward to our next trip. It will be on the Silver River.
I got some nice responses to my mountain bike and trails post that it made me think that one about kayaking would be fun to do. So here goes.
Techy Things Including Computers
I decided it might be good for folks to know what to do now that Microsoft has officially announced the date they will kill off Windows 10. When that date comes you have two, make those three choices.
Around The World In Ten Days!
My job took me to Diego Garcia some twenty-three years ago, and it was quite an adventure.
Diego as it is called is an island in the Indian Ocean, directly south of India and just below the equator. The middle of nowhere on the other side of the world in other words. The Navy Department of Procurement was desperate to get this job done and none of their normal vendors wanted to take this assignment on. Could I do it?
I didn’t have much unpacking to do. My phone equipment first, just to get things organized. I snapped a couple of pictures also. Then I went to the communications room, more of a closet actually. I scoped out the French intercom system that quit on them.
My somewhat boring flight from Diego Garcia to Fujairah Air Base ended none too soon. The air base looked brand new, no airplanes were on the tarmac, and I swear they opened the terminal just for me.
Photography, Equipment and Techniques
If you want to improve your photography skills or in the market for a camera or lens then check out my lessons.
After scanning 1600 slides (and who knows how many negatives) I can't help but remember my first camera, and my first photo contest.
My attempt at being a wedding photographer, while using a new to me digital camera, and being the Father of the Bride at the same time.
Eighteen Months
A somewhat surprising story about my family.
I was a born Navy brat in Portsmouth Naval Hospital. I spent my first few years in Navy housing, and quite a few living in a Navy community. Most of my friends were Navy brats. I bought my clothes, my favorite music albums, and my Hardy Boys books at the Navy Exchange. I learned to swim in a Navy pool. I went bowling, and to the twenty five cent movies on base. Then one day it all changed.
I could name this part, this chapter, Fish out of Water (in more ways than one) because that is exactly what it felt like.
It didn't take long to realize that we came from a different world and that we would not fit into this small town.
We all have life defining moments, a moment that changes us and helps to make us who we are.. It may be for good, or for bad. We said yes to something when we should have said no. We stopped when we should have gone. We sat when we should have gotten up. Sometimes we run away from them. This is about one of those moments that happened to me. It was a moment in time when I got up.
You may choose not to believe what you read here, that is up to you. I will tell you this. It happened just the way I have written it.
This part of my family's past is very hard for me to write about. I guess I am afraid I run the risk of having people read this story and think I am crazy. It would not be he first time. Many people in our church, some close friends, and eventually our relatives, thought my whole family was crazy. Many believed we had "gone off the deep end."
Mom was now in the hospital and my question to God was “Where did that leave us?” I was left, full of despair, fear, and without my Mom.
Dad had to deal with his emotional truama as well.
The Four Green Walls
From journals written by Diane’s grandmother Acrivi, born in Greece. This is a continuing project written with love by me.
I hope you enjoy this small part of your family history. It is a wonderful, happy, sad, and delightful story.
Love Pat
Christmas 1998
I was born in Fragata, on the Island of Cephallonia, the third day of March, 1902. Our home was not far from the Monastery of Saint Gerasimos, the patron saint of Cephallonia. When I was five, I, my parents, and my three sisters went to Russia. It seems like a dream now.
How would we live? We were now a family of nine. Seven children, five girls and two boys. My sister Maria had been born in 1914 and my baby brother just a few months before. My father did not loose hope. We had lost everything but he firmly believed that God would provide and help him to prosper again.
If a man marries a girl whose father promised him he would receive the family house, because there was nothing else to give the man as a dowry, and something happens and the father cannot fulfill his promise, the man can send the wife back to her father.
I was not happy with this kind of life, him in the States, myself and the boys in Greece. But there was nothing I could do about it. I was looking forward to and hoping for a better time when we could all live together.
Europe was beginning to fear war. We in America were not. America, did not fear war because it was thought to be highly unlikely to happen. We did not feel threatened at all, we simply didn’t see the dark clouds gathering and so we booked passage to Greece.
It's A Wonderful Life
It is a wonderful life isn’t it? Especially at Christmas, I think so anyway.
I have heard that many people believe the true meaning of Noel, Christmas has gotten lost in the the hubbub that surround this holiday.
Let me tell you all something. I gave this rally a lot of thought about how we could make it special. I really wanted all our friends who attended to have more than a good time. I wanted them to feel something while there. I wanted them to feel close to their other members. I intended for this rally to use the Christmas season and the It’s a Wonderful Life story to reinforce the need for friends and family.
The movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” starts with snow falling over Bedford Falls, and the sound of people engaged in fervent prayer. These prayers to God in Heaven are coming from many of George Bailey’s friends and almost all of his family.
In late November of 1990 I received my December issue of Reader's Digest. I read all the humorous parts of the magazine, and one cover story and then promptly stuck it on a shelf with all the other issues that I still had in my possession.
I have watched the movie hundreds of times. I own both he black and white and colorized versions of the movie. I know each and every line by heart. I can watch the whole film in my head. It still chokes me up.
Fun Things (including kite flying)
These stories, were ones that popped out of somewhere and I wrote them down.
I am 70 years old today. How about that? I ask myself. I guess I am doing okay for a much older guy than I used to be.
I wanted to write something today and then this 2014 post from my FMCA blogging days popped up in Facebook Memories, so I thought “Why not repost it here?” So I did.
I am a kite flyer. I own a lot of them. I love to fly them. I don’t wait for the wind to be perfect to get out there…..
This is going to be a most unusual blog post for me. Just “read” along and you will find out why.
The Fiddler’s Convention is approaching so I thought I would feature this story.
The Appalachian dulcimer is a fretted string instrument of the zither family, typically with three or four strings, originally played in the Appalachian region of the United States.
“We meet in High School. We were seventeen and...”
“Yes” she said, “but we were not children.”
“Well, we were high school sweethearts, and I guess we were a bit older than our years.”
“High school sweethearts? We were just friends.”
As many of you know Diane and I live in a motorcoach resort in the mountains of Virginia during the summer and fall. The closest town is Galax, and technically our address is in Galax.
I am passionate about many things in life. One thing is photography, one is Christmas, one is my wife, and another one is Kite Flying.
It’s been twenty years since I wrote this and seven years since I first posted it here on my blog. Diane came across it and I think it is worth updating a bit and posting again.
A couple of days ago, I started to clean old document files off my laptop. For a computer geek like myself, this is a bit like cleaning out my closet. I may not need a certain shirt, it has a stain, or it doesn’t fit, it needs to go, but I still want to hang on to it.
I am not sure if taking pictures of a Great Horned Owl nesting in a large live oak over our coach made me think of this old FMCA blog entry or not, but if it did then that is okay. I wrote it not long after we lost our grandson.
Before Diane and I became Motorhome owners, and before my son entered college, we were avid cruisers. This is the story of our first one, which took place a bunch of years ago.
I believe I mentioned in my last entry that Diane and I retired last month after selling our business. We are turning a new page in our lives...
We are well into this year's baseball season. The Nationals are on fire, as are the Mets. Baltimore is not.
Where is someone like Cal when you need him?
A famous person once described it as a good walk spoiled. Someone else said it is a lot of walking, broken up by disappointment and bad arithmetic. I am talking about the game of golf
The kids have grown up. They are doing other things now...working, raising kids, taking pictures, playing music.....
Have Camera will Travel
We have a motorhome so we go places and I have a camera so you get to see some of the places we have been.
I wanted to write something today and then this 2014 post from my FMCA blogging days popped up in Facebook Memories, so I thought “Why not repost it here?” So I did.
As many of you know Diane and I live in a motorcoach resort in the mountains of Virginia during the summer and fall. The closest town is Galax, and technically our address is in Galax.
September was a bit quieter than August but not by much. Diane and I continued to be involved in the music scene, at Chestnut Creek School of the Arts, and my camera was pretty busy also.
July was hot, very hot, right from the start. I think some new “on this day” records for heat were set that month.
Diane and I spent more time in Florida than we really wanted to. We were hoping to be heading back to Galax and DCMR by the first of April, but the weather up in the mountains was not looking very attractive. There was snow on the ground actually and very cold. Our trip home would have to wait for a few more weeks.
This is the kind of story I like to post the most, one told with pictures. You know the old, old, saying: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” In my case a picture could be worth more.
2018 has been an up and down year, and thankfully I can say it has been more up than down.
We left Kissimmee on the ninth of April, the day before Diane's birthday. We drove to St Mary's Georgia.
For most of the month of February the three of us were parked on a live oak covered lot at Sunshine RV Resort, an Encore Park in Vero Beach. We choose to stay there because we wanted to see our daughter Jeri race in the Publix Florida Half-Marathon in Melbourne.
2017 has been a very busy year, at least for the first three months. The Fourth one has been wet, very wet, but more about that later. The first one was good. Diane and I are finding out that retirement and being Snowbirds ain't bad, ain't bad at all.
September started out with a bang! The weather turned cool, which was great after having a very wet and hot August.
June, July, August. I took a lot of pictures because our life in the mountains provided a lot of great opportunities to do so. The rest of the year was even better...you will see!
I thought I could tell another story, using pictures. This story is about what we have done, and where we have been the first half of this past year. Take a look if you please.
In the early morning hours of Memorial Day, two days before opening, the interior of the place caught on fire.
Living In a Motorhome (including my rules for owning an RV)
If you want to survive living in a 40 foot house on wheels, you have to have some rules! You will also have some stories to tell.
This is the story I wrote back in 2010, about that trip the four of us, five if you count Nicholas, our Cocker Spaniel, took together to Elkhart, Indiana.
"What's it like owning a 38 foot long motor coach?"
I was asked that question the first time a few years ago. I had to stop and think for a minute or two.
Number 2: Keep your temper on a very short leash. Or, when owning a motor coach, patience is not only a virtue but a necessity.
number 4. Owning a motorcoach is a never ending learning experience.
And just when you think you know it all, you find out just how stupid you really are.
Over the last ten years, Diane and I have learned, discovered, or otherwise stumbled upon a few things that have helped us during our adventures on the road.
Well, I had so much fun coming up with a list of things that I have learned over the ten years that my wife and I have been motorhoming, I figured why not write down a few more?
Let me tell you all something. I gave this rally a lot of thought about how we could make it special. I really wanted all our friends who attended to have more than a good time. I wanted them to feel something while there. I wanted them to feel close to their other members. I intended for this rally to use the Christmas season and the It’s a Wonderful Life story to reinforce the need for friends and family.
The majority of us live our lives somewhere in between the sweet life and the habitation of dragons. We come into this world empty headed (and that is a good thing) and as we grow we learn that life has its pleasures and its pains.
We have all had them, those moments when we are so overjoyed to be motorhome owners and those other moments, the ones where you take a deep breath and ask yourself:
"Why did I ever buy this big blasted thing?"
Some of my dear readers and friends have heard or read this story before. However, many people keep asking me about it. Its short, not so sweet, but mildly amusing in a "can't believe that happened" sort of way.
Rule number 2, to be exact: Keep your temper on a very short leash. Or, when owning a motor coach, patience is not only a virtue but a necessity.
Diane and I are living full time in our Motor Home. It did not happen the way we planned it or hoped it would...the transition from part time to full time has happened but it was rough.
This subject pops up every now and then in the Internet forums where I hang about on a regular basis. It may be a post titled "Is your Class A a Money pit?" or "A motor home costs a whole lot more than you think it does!"
A bit of background and a few observations about the motohoming-rving lifestyle before I continue with my story, you don't mind do you?
Diane and I camped in a tent for 30 years before making the huge jump to a motorhome. There was no step in between.
All of us have our own story about how we ended up owning a motorhome company or, like most of us, just owning a motorhome.
This is my story.
I believe that there are signs that we should pay attention to that will help us in our day to day lives, on and off the road, from getting into trouble.
I promised some RV stories. Well I found a few. I doubt they are true, but they may bring a smile.
Man's Best Friend (Doggie Stories)
We loved both our pups, and miss them tremendously.
I had planned to write about our last two months of 2018, months ago. I couldn’t bring myself to do it., not at first, because I couldn’t write about a loss.
I can't remember the exact quote, but at the end of the movie Seabiscuit, there is a line something like this:
We may have saved a banged up life, but the truth is we found each other and he saved us. The truth is we may have saved each other.
My official name is Theodore. I have had a lot of names in my short life; Beasley, Bailey...I don't mind the name Theodore, but I like the name that Mom and Dad use the best ... Teddy Bear.
Nickolas, the family pupster here!
I asked Dad if he would let me post again. Last time, I hijacked his blog and posted on the sly. This time he said okay.
I wanted to leave him and Mom a note. They may need what I write here one day.
I think we should go back to having some fun. Derrick's rules for owning a motor coach, especially number four, are just that.
You have to be able to laugh at life sometimes.
Years ago Diane and I loved tent camping. We started out with a Winchester single-wall umbrella tent and we packed it and all our gear into the backseat of our 69 VW bug.
Some of my dear readers and friends have heard or read this story before. However, many people keep asking me about it. Its short, not so sweet, but mildly amusing in a "can't believe that happened" sort of way.
I believe that there are signs that we should pay attention to that will help us in our day to day lives, on and off the road, from getting into trouble.
I love puns and one liners. I love blurting them out...regardless of those in hearing range around me want to hear them or not. I think having an appreciation for one liners and puns is a sign of an intelligent mind...don't you agree?
I promised some RV stories. Well I found a few. I doubt they are true, but they may bring a smile.
A famous person once described it as a good walk spoiled. Someone else said it is a lot of walking, broken up by disappointment and bad arithmetic. I am talking about the game of golf
Friends and Family, some here, some gone.
At exactly this time two years ago Diane had a very rough couple of days. She had to have a molar pulled, and it was painful.
It happened sometime in late summer or the fall of 1991, the exact date I can’t remember during a year I don’t care to remember, not all that much anyway.
Today Diane and I are having our wedding anniversary. It is our 50th. We met when we were both 17 years old. That means we have been friends for over 51 years.
50 years, hard to believe how good they have been, and how blessed I am to have had them with my best friend in life.
Father's Day is today. I want to remind my kids of the advice I gave to them years ago, some of which came from my father.
Yesterday was my Mother's birthday. She turned 91. She and my Dad have been married for 69 years. They have looked after each other all that time.
The Fiddler’s Convention is approaching so I thought I would feature this story.
The Appalachian dulcimer is a fretted string instrument of the zither family, typically with three or four strings, originally played in the Appalachian region of the United States.
Many years ago I purchased an album, vinyl, which is still the best way to listen to recorded music, but I can’t play records any longer.
“We meet in High School. We were seventeen and...”
“Yes” she said, “but we were not children.”
“Well, we were high school sweethearts, and I guess we were a bit older than our years.”
“High school sweethearts? We were just friends.”
My father had his 92nd birthday this past week. Mine is this coming Sunday, August 2nd.
My parents did not make a big deal about their own birthdays, but they sure did for their kids.
Today is our son Joel’s birthday. This is a story about the day he was born. The following is how the story starts. It should tell you something.
One morning after getting our two girls off to school, I found out that a one’s day could be dangerous and life threatening.
Diane and I have a saying that started after our grand boys came along. We used it on them (and they would use it back if necessary) if one of them or I (Diane has complaints but never whines about anything) mumbled and groused about something.
“Whining is not attractive”
All the members of the Parker family are very special to me. Which brings me to my Aunt Hazel.
Just after we placed our orders, I reached inside my camera bag, which I carry just about everywhere, and removed a square, aluminum foil wrapped package. It had a thick greenish cloth ribbon tied around it. I slid it across the table to Dad. He looked at it for a second or two.
“What is this? A block of chocolate?” He asked with a smile.
I believe that I am a pretty good coach pilot. I still believe that even though I hit my mailbox while making a sharp turn into our driveway. Obviously I didn’t pull up the street far enough and turn sharp enough but no long term damage done, except to my pride.
These kind of things happen so why have I kept Rving the last twelve years?
Well Mikey, my dear friend, I made it to retirement. I don't think I could have done it without you even though you have been gone for six years.
The kids have grown up. They are doing other things now...working, raising kids, taking pictures, playing music.....
I wrote this story many years ago about the loss of a good friend. I still feel that loss.
As of last night there is a definite connection between being a coach owner and what happened twenty five years ago. Twenty five years ago the 24th of this month to be exact.
Stories For Your Soul
I have heard that many people believe the true meaning of Noel, Christmas has gotten lost in the the hubbub that surround this holiday.
Proverbs 29:18 is one of the Bible's most misunderstood and misused verses. I have experienced it used by some church and ministry leaders to lead people astray, down a path they should not go on and no one should follow.
The church that Diane and I attend in Galax believes that the people in the church should be as one person. This sounds simplistic, but it should be.
I am the only volunteer Community Help Forum Moderator for Squarespace. We have been inundated with spam, hundreds of posts every day, posted by tens of bot spammers.
The sun is shining, the air is clean and crisp. I started out my day with a cup of freshly ground coffee, that Diane made for me.
When I was a boy, my father told me many things. One was that only what you do for God will last.
I have a large leaning pot that sits on my motorhome lot. It contains two Calibracho Cappuccino plants that I planted in that pot back in the spring. I have taken very good care of those two little plants, or so I thought. I watered them and fed them Miracle Grow and they took off and grew like mad.
It’s a bit strange sometimes how the words I read in the Bible on a particular date seem to go right along with what's happening to me at the time. Today is one of those days.
Bearing one another's burdens. We need to do that, it is essential to life and love, to help each other until That Day Comes.
The last letter from Major Sullivan Ballou, written to his wife before the first battle of Bull Run.
There is a very important question in the four words in the title of this post. Let me make those words a bit more personal. Are YOU acting on your own?
The children of Isreal, who had experienced God’s delivering power, while in the desert, asked God silly questions.
A story in the Galax Gazette reminded me of this post I wrote some time ago.
Imagine that you and your family are in financial trouble. It could be caused by sickness. You could have medical bills that are very high, or the main breadwinner out of work due to a layoff or fired or who knows what.
I don’t normally make a political statement, not directly anyway. Not much point in cursing the darkness, but this morning I feel the need to at least point out that the darkness exists and it is dangerous, but there is hope.
A quote from a famous person (and it could fit me too), and a few more.
My best personality trait is that I think I'm very approachable. And my worst is that I can be moody.
The main purpose of this HoldFast symbol was for people who worked as a deckhand. It was a sign of good luck for them, and it encouraged them to maintain a good grip especially when the weather and the sea are trying to loosen it.
I read somewhere that the average person speaks between five thousand and twenty thousand words a day.
On more than one occasion in my past as an employee or friend or even a family member, I have found myself being “accused” of being an idealist.
The Bible talks a lot about wisdom. The word wisdom appears over 200 times in any translation of the Bible. It is used 46 times in the book of Proverbs alone.
My Mom and Dad have a lot of pictures hanging on the walls of their home. They also have a lot of plates. The kind that used to be popular years ago, with pictures of tourist places and churches
People have asked me, in times past, how can you believe there is a God when there is so much evil in the world? It seems so stupid!
Have you ever looked back over your life and realized that there were things that could have happened, bad things, but did not happen because the Lord God Intervened?
The title starts this post out. I think that people have the idea that God will not tolerate, and doesn’t want to hear our complaints, or our frustrations, some of which can be wrapped in anger, about our problems in life.
You may be thinking, What a terrible question to ask. How can anyone make God Sick? Is that even possible? What does that have to do with Fire?
When I was a young kid, I got into trouble a bit. I brought a lot of that trouble upon myself because I "took an attitude." That is exactly what my Mom used to say. "Don't you take that attitude with me!" or "Don't you give me that look!"
There is so much life here where we live. The Blue Ridge Parkway is just up the street. I don't have to see the seven wonders of the world, not when I have maybe the eighth one right outside my window.
I remember when I was about ten years old I was fascinated with the thought of travel. I wanted to see the world and visit exotic places. Great places, wonderful places. I wanted to be impressed, have those Wow moments,
I have been told by some people I have a remarkable memory. That may be true but I can't remember who told me that. Not really I know who it was.
Just before the end of World War II, in Europe, a very important thing happened. It took place in Holland.
The Bible says, “Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness”
We all have problems, the world sure has problems, but that is really not new news, the world has always been in trouble from one cause or another……
I have to think about the children of Isreal when all two million left Egypt and found themselves on the banks of the Red Sea. They had water in front of them and the army of the Pharoh behind them.
The news is terrible, cities on fire, chaos is reigning over our whole country, seems no one is in charge or taking control.
I have a question for you. I bet I already know the answer, it is the same for just about all of us.
All of life is peaks and valleys. Don't let the peaks get too high and the valleys too low.
John Wooden
There was a blood-red sky in China yesterday that has been in the news today. There is a blood-red moon eclipse coming to the Americas this weekend. These red phenomenons are provoking chatter about the “Last Days”.
Life can be depressing. The news adds to that depression when we watch it or read it of course. Much of it is not true, but it still makes us anxious.
This line comes from the movie Shawshank Redemption. It is not a direct quote from the Bible,
We look at the world around us, sometimes through social media glasses, and we see the wicked prospering. Many of the wicked folk, and as much as I hate to point this out, are in politics.
The English language can be a confusing thing sometimes. The same word can have multiple meanings. Take the word "Fear"
Tune into God, point the antenna of your heart towards Him. We can call out to God in our day of trouble but we can also call out to Him the day before as well.
Years ago, when I was young, there was a lady named Jean Dixon. She predicted the world would end in 2020
As the view got closer, I could see that this man had gray hair and a beard and was wearing red and white striped trousers, and had on a blue jacket. I recognized him.
I was a lazy kid. I can’t deny that. My Mom had a hard time getting me up in the mornings
My father, who is in his nineties seems to get get a lot of phone calls. Dad answers his calls no matter where the call comes from. I wish he wouldn’t do it but he does.
There is a saying that being angry at someone, to the point of losing decent perspective and only wanting revenge is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die from it.
A sapient person, that is what I strive to be. That is just a fancy way of saying I want to be a wise person, a true wise person.
What is a ruler? Is a teacher a ruler? Is a Mayor a ruler? Is a King a ruler? Is a President a ruler? Of course they are…
I suppose that many people have a favorite Bible story. I do. It is from the Gospel of John, Chapter 9, It is the story of Jesus and The Man Born Blind.
Diane and I face another day today, with its joys and its problems. We ask the Lord to provide what we need for today, grace and bread.
I read this today, “Lord give me patience and give it to me right now!” I know the feeling.
The message that Diane and I heard in church today reminded me of this blog post I wrote from some time ago.
There is a desirable human quality that is very scarce now. It is integrity.
We can’t get away from it. It is with us all the time, our tongues and what they produce and what is that?
This morning I am listening to great music by Steven Curtis Chapman. His story and his music really have something to say in this day of trouble
The book of Proverbs is about attitude, having a good one. It is about an attitude, towards God, being tuned in to Him. It could be called "How to have a Godly life for Dummies"
What are, better yet, what is true riches? What is the most valuable thing you can have?
"Nothing personal - it's just business" Have you ever had someone say this to you? This phrase is used when someone is about to be fired or worse.
One our nation's founding fathers, Ben Franklin, had a saying that has survived through time:
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
The movie "All is Lost" has one of the simplest endings of any movie I have ever seen. However it is one of the most moving as well.
I spent the first ten years of my life in a very close knit community with lots of Navy folks. My best friend and school mate lived right next door.
When Diane and I still had a wood and brick house, and it was a good one, there was an antique plate that Diane hung over the back door in our kitchen. It had these words printed on it:
I am sure you know the old saying “Sticks and Stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” If only that were true. Words hurt, and sometimes they hurt a lot. They hurt me rarely now that I am an adult, but they sometimes hurt me a whole lot when I was a kid.
Have you ever fantasized about winning the lottery, or finding a buried treasure somewhere?
We have a number of folks here in the mountains that ride motorcycles. Some have trikes, some bikes, but they all have one thing in common. When they ride, they dress for it.
Back in 98 or 99 I was sub-contracted by the Navy to install a new ship-board phone system/intercom on a heavy lifter named the Buffalo Soldier. It was part of the Merchant Marine Re-supply fleet anchored in the bay of Diego Garcia. It was a long flight to get there,
The Bible says to pray without ceasing. How does one do that? The Bible puts no restraints on that order, in other words there are no circumstances that say stop praying, giving thanks and rejoicing.
If you had to describe God with only one word what would it be? Don't think about your answer long, just say the word.
I can't do it. Not exactly, one word does come to mind:
What is that day? Is it the end of time? Is it the day our Lord Jesus returns? If it is the last lots of people hope that day comes soon.
Have you ever been starstruck? Have you ever met somebody who left you in awe, and in my case, so much so that you were speechless?
The Lord God is my best friend. My wife is second, well she is the best human friend that I have on this earth. Do you think of God as your friend? You should, don't be one of the many that do not.
Have you ever noticed that when something takes you by surprise, your first reaction is usually the wrong one?
There is a song, about little children. Diane, who if she hears a song one time never forgets it, sang it to me this morning when I asked if she remembered it.
Have you ever skipped rocks across a pond? It is fun. I obviously want to skip it as many times as I can, and I think my record is something close to thirteen hops maybe more.
This morning we have been listening to the rain on our roof, seeing flashes of lightning and hearing some mighty big thunder.
"In God We Trust", is the official motto of the United States of America and of the U.S. state of Florida. It was adopted by the U.S. Congress in 1956, superceding E pluribus unum, "one from many" which had been in use since the initial 1776 design of the Great Seal of the United States.
Those who say "there is no God" and practice life with that belief, will at some point find out they are wrong. God will show up.
PRAISE; This is another great word that is also a noun and a verb. It is the expression of approval and admiration for someone.
The man was full of praise for the woman he loved.
The man praised the women he loved.
I am not talking about the lip service kind of praise, but something much deeper.
WONDER: a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.A great word, wonder, both a noun and verb, and part of an adjective, Wonderful.
Soul Stories (from my family's past)
My encounters with God, yes they did happen.
At exactly this time two years ago Diane had a very rough couple of days. She had to have a molar pulled, and it was painful.
Today Diane and I are having our wedding anniversary. It is our 50th. We met when we were both 17 years old. That means we have been friends for over 51 years.
50 years, hard to believe how good they have been, and how blessed I am to have had them with my best friend in life.
When I was a young kid, I got into trouble a bit. I brought a lot of that trouble upon myself because I "took an attitude." That is exactly what my Mom used to say. "Don't you take that attitude with me!" or "Don't you give me that look!"
I have started out a couple of blog posts with the words “I hesitate to write this” for one reason or another. Usually, it is because it makes me a bit uncomfortable to write.
A couple of days ago, early in the morning, I awoke from a dream. It was a memory from many years before, forty five of them to be exact.
I have lived thru many birthdays with Diane, and she like all of us is getting older, but she, not like everyone else, is improving as a person. I know why that is. She has a big, kind, and good heart.
Today is our son Joel’s birthday. This is a story about the day he was born. The following is how the story starts. It should tell you something.
One morning after getting our two girls off to school, I found out that a one’s day could be dangerous and life threatening.
Diane and I went for a fast walk around the RV resort where we have been staying for the last three months. Diane pumped her hand weights and as usual I just got lost among my own thoughts.
I started thinking about a time in my past, my long ago past, when I took a trip to California.
Just a few feet from the patio, in the middle of the grass is a patch of pretty, white crocuses. They get stepped on, urinated on by the dogs in the park, including ours, and moved down by the landscapers. They keep coming back.
Diane and I have a saying that started after our grand boys came along. We used it on them (and they would use it back if necessary) if one of them or I (Diane has complaints but never whines about anything) mumbled and groused about something.
“Whining is not attractive”
Diane and I have come full circle...we find ourselves back in Colonial Williamsburg, at the Anvil Campground, the place where we started our full-time adventure just about a year ago.
The house was empty. Well, not quite. The rooms were full of memories and anger, my anger. I was mad at all the people who were jerking us around, and at God who was allowing them to do so.
I was in a panic condition….my head was buried in one of my wardrobe drawers looking desperately for my wallet, which of course, contained all my credit cards, driver's license and other important pieces of plastic.
The fourth of May is a birthday for a little boy. His name is Daniel. There would be four candles on his cake, if he were here with his Dad and Mom and two brothers. He is not here, he is some place better.
Cruising (our first and last one)
Diane and I used to love crusing on the sea. Now we have a motorhome and cruise on land.
In the next couple of days I will post a new entry but in the meantime I have something from my old archives you might find interesting.
Diane put on white Capri pants with a black tank top and I put on white shorts and a black rayon Liz Claiborne for men tee shirt. For some reason in our old age Diane and I seem to dress in like colors a lot. We don’t plan it that way, not all the time. One of the benefits is, if we become separated while shopping or something, I can remember what she is wearing by looking at me and then find her.
“I want to go to the Windjammer! I’m hungry!” I did not voice these thoughts out loud. Diane was on the balcony talking to Christine on her cell phone. “We are on board. Did not take too long to check in, the cabin is the same as last year, etc, etc.”
We woke before the dawn. The balcony door was open with a gentle breeze blowing the sheers across the bed. (A bed without a dog sleeping at our feet)
I kissed Diane on the forehead and whispered “Happy Anniversary” she dittoed sleepily.
Another morning of delight began, another morning with no alarm clocks, no Katie Couric, no disturbing pager calls. Today is going to be a great day; a day of nothing to do and happy to do it. I awoke slowly, very slowly, and took a look out the open balcony door. I could see the village of Labadee.
Day 6 : Wednesday; Learn to Rub Her the Right Way or A very Adult Day!
We both woke around eight. Diane was still pretty mellowed out from the night before until I knocked over a glass of last night’s wine into the phone.
At seven forty five the phone rang. I answered and it was the spa giving us our wake up call in time for Diane to keep her appointment. She was having the seaweed wrap and deep tissue massage. I envied her. I was going to be spending the morning without her.
so ….we chatted for awhile, about an almost incident from the night before. You have heard the saying that it is a small world. Well the world is small, even on the world’s largest cruise ship.
We would be easing ourselves back into the real world, a place that I did not want to return to and in some ways, as I am writing this, I am still not there. I am still on the Voyager......
Diane and I woke at false dawn. Voyager was already docked. In just a few minutes the sunrise could be seen in the glass of the buildings outside our balcony.
Before Diane and I became Motorhome owners, and before my son entered college, we were avid cruisers. This is the story of our first one, which took place a bunch of years ago.
I was over the ocean. I moved out from the blackness I was in, to a stadium of stars, a carpet of luminous blue below me. Off in the distance I could see the horizon and perched on it a moving light.
Tune into God, point the antenna of your heart towards Him. We can call out to God in our day of trouble but we can also call out to Him the day before as well.