You have to be able to laugh at life sometimes.
Some of my dear readers and friends have heard or read this story before. However, many people keep asking me about it. Its short, not so sweet, but mildly amusing in a "can't believe that happened" sort of way.
I believe that there are signs that we should pay attention to that will help us in our day to day lives, on and off the road, from getting into trouble.
I love puns and one liners. I love blurting them out...regardless of those in hearing range around me want to hear them or not. I think having an appreciation for one liners and puns is a sign of an intelligent mind...don't you agree?
I promised some RV stories. Well I found a few. I doubt they are true, but they may bring a smile.
A famous person once described it as a good walk spoiled. Someone else said it is a lot of walking, broken up by disappointment and bad arithmetic. I am talking about the game of golf
Years ago Diane and I loved tent camping. We started out with a Winchester single-wall umbrella tent and we packed it and all our gear into the backseat of our 69 VW bug.