“There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer.”
“If you see something that moves you and then snap it, you keep a moment. ”
One of my favorite images. Want to see more?
We love kayaking in our Sea Eagle 370 pro inflatable. We travel rivers in Central Florida and float down the New River near Galax.
The Gentle Blue Ridge Mountains, its old beauty is so precious to me. Its value comes from the land and the people that live and work along that Black Ribbon, the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Look down, you never know what treasures you may find.
I love hiking and resting alongside a stream. The sound is relaxing and the positive ions are good for the body and the soul.
Diane and I love to hike. It makes no difference if it is a short trail or a long one. We love where a trail leads us. It could take us to a farm house, a beautiful grove of trees, or an old mill.
The Ocean, marshes, rivers that I have visited and where I live; some have saltwater, some fresh, but all have views to give.
This is a gallery of still life, moving, and abstract subjects. In other words, if I looked at something from an interesting viewpoint and liked what I saw, I pushed the shutter button.
Macrophotography: defined as very close up, where the size of the image becomes greater than the life size of the subject.
Shooting into the sun. Its a bit risky with a digital camera but worth it. These are some of my favorite shots. I have always enjoyed light and what it can do for both the eyes and the soul.
These images are of my children...they show the passage of time. They are grown up now. My children have children, but they will always be my kids.
Colonial Williamsburg, the largest living history site in the nation. Diane and I love the place. It's our second home. We have friends who live there, our son was graduated from William and Mary there. We fell in love there.
A few of these images are from film and are some of my first work