4/10/2022, Today is Diane’s birthday. I don’t think I need to post how old she is. I do need to post that I love her and hope that today is a good day for her. I also want to post some great old pictures of her. This is a photography website after all. To that end (that is some kind of fancy phrase isn’t it?) I have been scanning old negatives and slides on my new Epson V600 scanner. I got a new present during Diane’s birthday week. That doesn’t seem fair somehow, anyway here are some great pictures, that scan a lot of years, both old and new, of my beautiful wife.. And before I forget to say it:
Happy Birthday, Honey!
Here is a slideshow, and you can view it with music! (My Girl is also my ringtone when my girl calls me.)

image captured by Steller Exposures.