On more than one occasion in my past as an employee or friend or even a family member, I have found myself being “accused” of being an idealist.
Read MoreRemembering Elkhart
This is the story I wrote back in 2010, about that trip the four of us, five if you count Nicholas, our Cocker Spaniel, took together to Elkhart, Indiana.
Read MoreWisdom Revisited
The Bible talks a lot about wisdom. The word wisdom appears over 200 times in any translation of the Bible. It is used 46 times in the book of Proverbs alone.
Read MoreY'all Pray For Me Now!
My Mom and Dad have a lot of pictures hanging on the walls of their home. They also have a lot of plates. The kind that used to be popular years ago, with pictures of tourist places and churches
Read MoreMercy
The quality of mercy is not strained.
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Faith and Facts
People have asked me, in times past, how can you believe there is a God when there is so much evil in the world? It seems so stupid!
Read MoreThree Part Question
Have you ever looked back over your life and realized that there were things that could have happened, bad things, but did not happen because the Lord God Intervened?
Read MoreYou Are The Man!
Teach me, Lord, the way of your decrees, that I may follow it to the end
Read MoreWhen Real Life Meets God
I am sitting here at my laptop trying not to complain out loud.
Read MoreA Great Misconception
The title starts this post out. I think that people have the idea that God will not tolerate, and doesn’t want to hear our complaints, or our frustrations, some of which can be wrapped in anger, about our problems in life.
Read MoreAre You Making God Sick?
You may be thinking, What a terrible question to ask. How can anyone make God Sick? Is that even possible? What does that have to do with Fire?
Read MoreHave you read this?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Read MoreAttitude
When I was a young kid, I got into trouble a bit. I brought a lot of that trouble upon myself because I "took an attitude." That is exactly what my Mom used to say. "Don't you take that attitude with me!" or "Don't you give me that look!"
Read MoreBears and Shredded Wheat
Years ago Diane and I loved tent camping. We started out with a Winchester single-wall umbrella tent and we packed it and all our gear into the backseat of our 69 VW bug.
Read MoreThe Skylight
I have started out a couple of blog posts with the words “I hesitate to write this” for one reason or another. Usually, it is because it makes me a bit uncomfortable to write.
Read MoreI Stand In Awe
There is so much life here where we live. The Blue Ridge Parkway is just up the street. I don't have to see the seven wonders of the world, not when I have maybe the eighth one right outside my window.
Read MoreSee The World
I remember when I was about ten years old I was fascinated with the thought of travel. I wanted to see the world and visit exotic places. Great places, wonderful places. I wanted to be impressed, have those Wow moments,
Read MoreMemory
I have been told by some people I have a remarkable memory. That may be true but I can't remember who told me that. Not really I know who it was.
Read MoreOperation Manna →
Just before the end of World War II, in Europe, a very important thing happened. It took place in Holland.
Read MoreIt Is Father's Day
Father's Day is today. I want to remind my kids of the advice I gave to them years ago, some of which came from my father.
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