I have heard that many people believe the true meaning of Noel, Christmas has gotten lost in the the hubbub that surround this holiday.
Read MorePoor Vision
Proverbs 29:18 is one of the Bible's most misunderstood and misused verses. I have experienced it used by some church and ministry leaders to lead people astray, down a path they should not go on and no one should follow.
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As One......
The church that Diane and I attend in Galax believes that the people in the church should be as one person. This sounds simplistic, but it should be.
Read MoreSPAM!
I am the only volunteer Community Help Forum Moderator for Squarespace. We have been inundated with spam, hundreds of posts every day, posted by tens of bot spammers.
Read MorePhoto by Derrick Parker
Mabry Mill
The Mabry Mill stands as a monument to the enduring spirit of the mountain people.
Read MoreReap What You Sew
The sun is shining, the air is clean and crisp. I started out my day with a cup of freshly ground coffee, that Diane made for me.
Read MoreSelf-Righteous
When I was a boy, my father told me many things. One was that only what you do for God will last.
Read MoreHornworm also know as Tobacco Worm Google Image
I have a large leaning pot that sits on my motorhome lot. It contains two Calibracho Cappuccino plants that I planted in that pot back in the spring. I have taken very good care of those two little plants, or so I thought. I watered them and fed them Miracle Grow and they took off and grew like mad.
Read MoreDealing With Things
It’s a bit strange sometimes how the words I read in the Bible on a particular date seem to go right along with what's happening to me at the time. Today is one of those days.
Read MoreCreation!
Creation is a wonderful thing, The heavens and the earth display the glory of God.
Read MoreThat Day!
Bearing one another's burdens. We need to do that, it is essential to life and love, to help each other until That Day Comes.
Read MoreFarewell
The last letter from Major Sullivan Ballou, written to his wife before the first battle of Bull Run.
Read MoreIt Doesn't Add Up
Sometimes the arithmetic of life does not add up.
Read MoreActing On Your Own?
There is a very important question in the four words in the title of this post. Let me make those words a bit more personal. Are YOU acting on your own?
Read MoreWeddingomania image
A Silly Question
The children of Isreal, who had experienced God’s delivering power, while in the desert, asked God silly questions.
Read MoreAre We There Yet?
Larry Norman said many years ago in one of his songs “I wish we'd all been ready”.
Read MoreDebt Free!
A story in the Galax Gazette reminded me of this post I wrote some time ago.
Imagine that you and your family are in financial trouble. It could be caused by sickness. You could have medical bills that are very high, or the main breadwinner out of work due to a layoff or fired or who knows what.
Read MoreThe Sea of Self-Delusion
I don’t normally make a political statement, not directly anyway. Not much point in cursing the darkness, but this morning I feel the need to at least point out that the darkness exists and it is dangerous, but there is hope.
Read MoreRemember the mood rings from the seventies? Does anyone really believe in these things?
Ups and Downs
A quote from a famous person (and it could fit me too), and a few more.
Read MoreMy best personality trait is that I think I'm very approachable. And my worst is that I can be moody.
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Hold Fast!
The main purpose of this HoldFast symbol was for people who worked as a deckhand. It was a sign of good luck for them, and it encouraged them to maintain a good grip especially when the weather and the sea are trying to loosen it.
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