Today is Diane’s birthday. I don’t think I need to post how old she is.
Read MoreOne of Those Days
Ever had one of those days when everything seems to be against you?
Read MoreFear
The English language can be a confusing thing sometimes. The same word can have multiple meanings. Take the word "Fear"
Read MoreTune In! (Storm's a-comin')
Tune into God, point the antenna of your heart towards Him. We can call out to God in our day of trouble but we can also call out to Him the day before as well.
Read MoreHELP!
There are days when my prayer is short and very simple. HELP me God!
Read MoreGoogle image
Years ago, when I was young, there was a lady named Jean Dixon. She predicted the world would end in 2020
Read MoreThey Need Each Other
Yesterday was my Mother's birthday. She turned 91. She and my Dad have been married for 69 years. They have looked after each other all that time.
Read MoreDown But Not Out
As the view got closer, I could see that this man had gray hair and a beard and was wearing red and white striped trousers, and had on a blue jacket. I recognized him.
Read MoreGet Up!
I was a lazy kid. I can’t deny that. My Mom had a hard time getting me up in the mornings
Read MoreDon't Be Fooled
My father, who is in his nineties seems to get get a lot of phone calls. Dad answers his calls no matter where the call comes from. I wish he wouldn’t do it but he does.
Read MoreAnger and Revenge
There is a saying that being angry at someone, to the point of losing decent perspective and only wanting revenge is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die from it.
Read MoreWisdom
A sapient person, that is what I strive to be. That is just a fancy way of saying I want to be a wise person, a true wise person.
Read MoreRomney and Ryan 2012, one is a Senator, the other former Speaker of the House. Could you trust either one? What rulers can you trust now? Image captured by Derrick Lee Parker 2012
A Ruler
What is a ruler? Is a teacher a ruler? Is a Mayor a ruler? Is a King a ruler? Is a President a ruler? Of course they are…
Read MoreGive Us This Day
Diane and I face another day today, with its joys and its problems. We ask the Lord to provide what we need for today, grace and bread.
Read MoreWait on Him
I read this today, “Lord give me patience and give it to me right now!” I know the feeling.
Read MoreIntegrity
The message that Diane and I heard in church today reminded me of this blog post I wrote from some time ago.
There is a desirable human quality that is very scarce now. It is integrity.
Read MoreMore Words About Words
We can’t get away from it. It is with us all the time, our tongues and what they produce and what is that?
Read MoreOur God, He Loves Us! →
This morning I am listening to great music by Steven Curtis Chapman. His story and his music really have something to say in this day of trouble
Read MoreHonor
Honor your Mother and Father, the first commandment with a promise……
Read MoreThe Tongue
The book of Proverbs is about attitude, having a good one. It is about an attitude, towards God, being tuned in to Him. It could be called "How to have a Godly life for Dummies"
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