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Help! (I need sombody)

Many years ago there was a song written and performed by a very popular group:

I need somebody

(Help!) not just anybody

(Help!) you know I need someone


When I was younger, so much younger than today

I never needed anybody's help in any way

But now these days are gone, I'm not so self-assured (but now these days are gone)

(And now I find) Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down

And I do appreciate you being 'round

Help me get my feet back on the ground

Won't you please, please help me?

And now my life has changed in oh so many ways (and now my life has changed)

My independence seems to vanish in the haze

But every now and then I feel so insecure (I know that I)

I know that I just need you like I've never done before

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down

And I do appreciate you being 'round

Help me get my feet back on the ground

Won't you please, please help me?

Like John, I think we all need a bit of help now and then, mostly now, and like David, that cry for help can become more of a yelp! A shout! In other words, make it loud. When we are in trouble, when we are losing it, and our confidence in those around us and in ourselves is leaking away it is time to call out. The trouble may be caused by others or brought on by ourselves but in either case, God can fix it, and will do so the sooner we ask Him to. We need to, we have to, put our trust in Him! Don't wait, do it now, just like the Blind Man by the side of the road, who cried out to Jesus for mercy, He will hear us.

Luke 18: 35-43

Jesus was approaching Jericho. A blind man was sitting by the side of the road begging.  The blind man heard the crowd going by. He asked what was happening.  They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.”  

So the blind man called out, “Jesus! Son of David! Have mercy on me!”

Those who led the way commanded him to stop. They told him to be quiet. But he shouted even louder, “Son of David! Have mercy on me!”

Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. When the man came near, Jesus spoke to him.  “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked.

“Lord, I want to be able to see,” the blind man replied.

 Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight. Your faith has healed you.”  Right away he could see. He followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God.

Psalm 8

1 Lord my God, I take refuge in you;

save and deliver me from all who pursue me,

2 or they will tear me apart like a lion

and rip me to pieces with no one to rescue me.

3 Lord my God, if I have done this

and there is guilt on my hands—

4 if I have repaid my ally with evil

or without cause have robbed my foe—

5 then let my enemy pursue and overtake me;

let him trample my life to the ground

and make me sleep in the dust.

6 Arise, Lord, in your anger;

rise up against the rage of my enemies.

Awake, my God; decree justice.

7 Let the assembled peoples gather around you,

while you sit enthroned over them on high.

8 Let the Lord judge the people.

Vindicate me, Lord, according to my righteousness,

according to my integrity, O Most High.

“This song was a prayer to God, though you may have missed that due to its beat. The person who wrote this song, John Lennon who once said the Beatles were more popular than Jesus apparently came to Jesus in the spring of 1977 after watching a televised Billy Graham crusade. He also called the 700 Club prayer line and talked to a counselor. Apparently, [Billy] Graham’s words got through to [Lennon in 1977] and he accepted Jesus. It drove him to tears of joy and ecstasy. He was born again," writes Pastor Greg Laurie.