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They Need Each Other

Yesterday, December 10th, was my Mother's birthday. She turned 91. She and my Dad have been married for 69 years. They have looked after each other all that time. My Dad is the primary caregiver for my Mom now, however, I know that she gives to him too.

They need each other, and like the song says everybody loves somebody sometimes, love and need go hand in hand. Two are better than one. Marriage is a partnership and my folks have shown that two can accomplish together far more than one can alone. They also have shown that two people protect each other. If one falls the other one picks that one up, physically and emotionally. We all need someone to offer their hands and their arms to us when we are knocked down by life.

Two can fight harder than one. Marines are trained to dig a foxhole big enough for two. Mom and Dad have learned that it’s hard to fight the wars of life alone, better to do it with two. And they have learned that when Jesus is part of the equation, three is an even stronger number.

Happy day after Birthday Mom!


Ecclesiastes 9-16:

9 Two are better than one,

because they have a good return for their labor:

10 If either of them falls down,

one can help the other up.

But pity anyone who falls

and has no one to help them up.

11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.

But how can one keep warm alone?

12 Though one may be overpowered,

two can defend themselves.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.