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More Words About Words

We can’t get away from it. It is with us all the time, our tongues and what they produce, and what is that? Words, of course, lots and lots of words. Studies have shown that most people speak between 5,000 and 20, 000 words a day. Some of those studies say that the high number belongs to women and the low number to men. Not in our home, it’s just the opposite. Diane can confirm that.

Regardless of which gender has the busiest tongue, or not, that is still a lot of talking! That explains why James dedicated a whole book about the evils of the tongue and encouraged careful thought before opening one’s mouth.

“No man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison” James 3:8

If you don’t agree with that, just watch the news sometimes. You may not have to do that, could be you can hear words in your own home that all would be better off if they were not spoken. How much conflict and hurt would disappear if all in the house thought before opening their mouths. The same for where people work. How much better would it be at church or in your neighborhood if people didn’t spread rumors and gossip: What if people promised themselves, others, and God not to backbite, to not argue?

Imagine what our lives would be like if we believers shared the Gospel more and nonsensical stuff less.

Solomon wrote that this should be what we aim for. We should use words that heal not harm. We should use words that convey love, and kindness, not use ones that are harsh and angry. Sometimes words that deliver laughter are a good thing too, as long as that laughter is not at the expense of others.

When my kids were growing up, and still at home, we had something we called the Oogliy-Boogily Jar. It was a big glass jar on top of our refrigerator. If it was determined that someone said something really bad or hurtful to another person (used an oogily-boogily word) in the family, then they would be fined, a dime a word. That dime or dimes had to go into that jar. That money would be used to fund family activities like game and deli night or to rent a movie. I am not sure it worked, it made my kids come up with and practice “backwards speak” I think you can figure out what that was. The jar did make a point, however.

To sum this up, we need to THINK before we speak. Better yet we should say a quick prayer before we speak and just maybe we will not pontificate. That is a big word that means to express one's opinions in a way considered annoyingly pompous and dogmatic. Ask yourself if you have used your words to do that. I know I have, but most of the time I want to deliver words that are good.

It is better to be, as James told us, “Swift to hear and slow to speak” We should want our words to help not hurt. It is just that simple.

Proverbs 16: 18-33

18 Pride goes before destruction,

and haughtiness before a fall.

19 Better to live humbly with the poor

than to share plunder with the proud.

20 Those who listen to instruction will prosper;

those who trust the Lord will be joyful.

21 The wise are known for their understanding,

and pleasant words are persuasive.

22 Discretion is a life-giving fountain to those who possess it,

but discipline is wasted on fools.

23 From a wise mind comes wise speech;

the words of the wise are persuasive.

24 Kind words are like honey—

sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.

25 There is a path before each person that seems right,

but it ends in death.

26 It is good for workers to have an appetite;

an empty stomach drives them on.

27 Scoundrels create trouble;

their words are a destructive blaze.

28 A troublemaker plants seeds of strife;

gossip separates the best of friends.

29 Violent people mislead their companions,

leading them down a harmful path.

30 With narrowed eyes, people plot evil;

with a smirk, they plan their mischief.

31 Gray hair is a crown of glory;

it is gained by living a godly life.

32 Better to be patient than powerful;

better to have self-control than to conquer a city.

33 We may throw the dice,

but the Lord determines how they fall.