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The English language can be a confusing thing sometimes. The same word can have multiple meanings. Take the word "Fear"

As a noun, it means an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat.

"he is prey to irrational fears"

As a verb, it is to be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening.

I know that sometimes it feels like life is a sinking boat, that we are adrift at the mercy of the tides, the wind, and the waves are overwhelming. We are scared almost to the point of death. There are sharks in the water, circling just waiting for us to fall in. Where is our hope? Which direction do we swim if our boat sinks?

We move towards God, what other choice do we really have? Move to the one thing that we should Fear. The Creator of Everything.

And that brings us to the Biblical definition of Fear: Fear of God refers to a specific sense of respect, awe, and submission to Him.

The Bible says that the Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom. That seems logical to me. It does seem wise to be a bit afraid of the creator of the world, the one who can divide spirit from the soul, who can stop a heart, send a storm, a flood, and has opened the earth to swallow people, and drowned armies. Yet this same God, that we should fear, in His perfect love, also sent his own son to die for us. And he promises to relieve us of our fear. Fear of death, fear of failure, fear of loss, a loss that could come, or has come already. His promises have already been fulfilled. We do not have to fear that this life is all that there is. That at the end of it there is nothing but darkness. Quite the opposite actually for those of us who fear him.

So my questions for today are. Are you in awe of God? Are you drawn towards him, swimming towards him during your time of great need? If so, He will rescue you even from an ocean of fears.

Psalm 25: 12-22

12 Who, then, are those who fear the Lord?

He will instruct them in the ways they should choose.

13 They will spend their days in prosperity,

and their descendants will inherit the land.

14 The Lord confides in those who fear him;

he makes his covenant known to them.

15 My eyes are ever on the Lord,

for only he will release my feet from the snare.

16 Turn to me and be gracious to me,

for I am lonely and afflicted.

17 Relieve the troubles of my heart

and free me from my anguish.

18 Look on my affliction and my distress

and take away all my sins.

19 See how numerous are my enemies

and how fiercely they hate me!

20 Guard my life and rescue me;

do not let me be put to shame,

for I take refuge in you.

21 May integrity and uprightness protect me,

because my hope, Lord, is in you.

22 Deliver Israel, O God,

from all their troubles!