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It Is Father's Day

My Dad and Me!

Father's Day is today. I want to remind my kids of the advice I gave to them years ago, some of which came from my father.

The fathers in my family can give it to their kids:

Don't be in a hurry to grow up, you only get to be a child once so enjoy it while you can.

Always do the very best you can, in school, at home, when given a job to do give it your all.

Think carefully about who you "fall in love" with. True love is a matter of the heart first, it should be unselfish and makes you want to become a better person for the one you love. Remember a few moments of physical pleasure can bring a lifetime of pain. Pray for a partner in life that you can make happy, not the other way around.

When you have kids, remember they will be noisy and they will make a mess, teach them to be responsible but enjoy it don't get upset with day they will be gone and your house will be clean, but cleanliness can be next to loneliness.

Pray for yourself, your spouse, and your kids, in that order, every day at least, well, as much as you need to. Pray for wisdom to raise them right, for healing when they fall down or get sick and the hardest one of all, pray for patience. You will need it both when they are small and maybe, even more, when they get big!


Here are three songs about Fathers that I like a lot, especially the first one, I coached baseball for years and my son played.

One more that I heard today for the first time. How did I not hear it before now?