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Turning a page.....

Teleconnect Magazine March 1985 (click to read the whole thing)

I believe I mentioned in my last entry that Diane and I retired last month after selling our business.  We are turning a new page in our lives. This makes me remember when I first went into business with my first business. That was years ago. 

Man, I was so cocky then (See insert from Teleconnect Magazine March 1985). I thought I was going to grab the telephone business tiger by the tail and sling it around. It didn't work out quite that way. My brother and I kept it going for three and a half years and then had to sell out at a loss. We both went to work for the new owners, but that also didn't work out well for me. Well, maybe it did, over the long haul. I went to work for AT&T and eventually circumstances let me (although I think it was God leading me by the nose)  to start up my own business again...this time without all the big snot, sorry- big shot, ideas. 

And now, just short of twenty five years later, Diane and I are starting our trip  down a new road. It helps that it will be in a forty foot motor home! 

I hope that doesn't sound too cocky. 


a few mementos of my years in the phone business hanging on my office wall