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Where is HE?

A few years ago Diane and I were traveling in our motorhome from Spruce Pine NC to Galax. Traveling down the mountain, which was very curvy and steep, I suddenly lost power, and my dash instruments all went out. This lasted for just a second or two and then came back. I thought it was an instrument problem but it was something much worse. We made it down the mountain and onto I-40 West. Just about the time we were nearing Statesville the problem happened again. I lost power and this time it did not come back. I managed to muscle the coach off the interstate to the side of the road.

It turned out that our fuel pump had died. We were going nowhere without being towed. Getting that done, was terrible at first. We sat there for hours waiting for callbacks from Road Side assistance with the help that never came. We kept calling back to them.

Finally, one call worked. It came from a State Policeman who had to threaten our Road Side Assistance company with a citation and formal inquiry if they did not pay for a tow truck. He himself called the tow company to send out a truck to get us off the road. He made it very clear we were not safe where we were. Before he showed up to help, before he became our Hero I was getting nowhere and figured we would be there the whole night. It was very scary. That officer saved us and our coach.

Sometimes when we are in trouble, when life hits us hard, when we are suffering from some disease, some financial setback, or being victimized by some evil, we feel like help is simply not coming. And let's be honest, sometimes even help from God seems to be lost in the mail.

We cry out and say "God WHERE ARE YOU?" Are you coming or not?

Why does evil seem to get away with just about anything? Why do God's people suffer? Does God care, does He care enough? Then where is he? It is the Age-Old Question is it not? David wrestled with it. You can see it in his psalms, one praise and rejoices, the very next one cries out in despair. David says he is drowning in sorrow, in the pit of despair, and can't understand why he is being hunted down by the very king whose kingdom he saved. "Why God, Why do you not save me now?"

Why does God not save any of us now?

It is hard, but sometimes asking that question over and over again is just a waste of effort and spirit. It kills one’s faith. You might as well be a child on a trip asking Mom and Dad "Are we there yet?"

We are God's children, but we should be mature enough to trust Him to get us there, to deliver us from evil, and to judge that evil and deal with it as well.

Those who say "there is no God" and practice life with that belief, who think they can get away with just about anything, will at some point find out they are wrong. God will show up. When he does, they, being liars, will try to tell Him they know Him.

Luke 13:27 “But he will reply, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from. Away from me, all you evildoers!’

We must recognize evil, but we must also remember who will Save us from it.

Yes, and like for Forrest and Lt Dan, God will show up, Sometimes he takes us thru the storms of life, sometimes he quiets the storms, sometimes he sends the storm. But however they come, He will deliver us and take us where we need to be.

Psalm 10

1 Why, Lord, do you stand far off?

Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?

2 In his arrogance the wicked man hunts down the weak,

who are caught in the schemes he devises.

3 He boasts about the cravings of his heart;

he blesses the greedy and reviles the Lord.

4 In his pride the wicked man does not seek him;

in all his thoughts there is no room for God.

5 His ways are always prosperous;

your laws are rejected by him;

he sneers at all his enemies.

6 He says to himself, “Nothing will ever shake me.”

He swears, “No one will ever do me harm.”

7 His mouth is full of lies and threats;

trouble and evil are under his tongue.