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There are days when my prayer is short and very simple. HELP me God! Sometimes I feel like my spiritual feet are being kicked out from under me, that my foundation is crumbling under me. I read the news, and there is nothing good. The world seems to be coming apart. We who believe in God are becoming a smaller and smaller minority. Confusion, lies, crime, seem to be taking over. It makes no sense, men can no longer be men, women any longer women. The world shifts, dodges, politicians speak lies when the truth would be easier to use.

David in Psalm 11 was upset for the same reasons. He hated it when people said one thing and did another. He was upset with people who made promises they did not keep. He also hated it when leaders told lies when the truth would serve much better. He would really hate today’s information age.

What did he do? What should I do? What should we do? That is simple, call upon God. Ask for his help.. Stand on his word. God is still on his throne. He still answers prayer. He knows what we need. We must not despair, as one pastor put it. “We must not wring our hands over the little things, and forget our God can do anything! Nothing is too difficult for Him!”

So when you find it difficult to stand on your own two feet, stand on God’s word. Paul said in Romans3:4 “Let God be true and every man a liar” Matthew said, “Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will never pass away!” Matthew 24:35

Men’s words are too many times full of deception. God’s words are not. He keeps his promises. Talk is cheap, God’s words are priceless. Men’s words tickle the ears for only a moment, God’s words are eternal. May we listen to HIm and let His words bring healing to this hurting world.

Psalm 12:1-8

Help, Lord, for no one is faithful anymore;
    those who are loyal have vanished from the human race.
Everyone lies to their neighbor;
    they flatter with their lips
    but harbor deception in their hearts.

May the Lord silence all flattering lips
    and every boastful tongue—
those who say,
    “By our tongues, we will prevail;
    our own lips will defend us—who is lord over us?”

“Because the poor are plundered and the needy groan,
    I will now arise,” says the Lord.
    “I will protect them from those who malign them.”
And the words of the Lord are flawless,
    like silver purified in a crucible,
    like gold refined seven times.

You, Lord, will keep the needy safe
    and will protect us forever from the wicked,
who freely strut about
    when what is vile is honored by the human race.