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Remembering Daniel

For years on this date, I have re-read and re-posted something I wrote to the grandson I never met. His name is Daniel and he lived for one day. His mother, father, and grandmother all held him as he died. I was not there. I sat on the couch in my motorhome with my dog on my lap and cried. I cried for my daughter Jeri, her husband Tom, Diane, and the grandson I would never get to see, hold, play ball with, or give him cookies when his Mom says not to. I think about him often. It is an amazing thing to me that one life, even one so short, can have such a big impact on our lives, even now, all these years later….

Yesterday I lost one of my grandsons. I never got the chance to meet him. Diane had to fly down to Florida to be with our daughter and her husband after we learned that her unborn baby boy who was going to be with us in just a few weeks was not going to be with us for long. I couldn't go with her and so I have been leaning on the love of friends and hugging the dog. I guess it has been Teddy's job to wash away my tears...and there has been a lot of them. 

As usual, when I and my family are going thru a tough and emotional time I pray and I write........

Daniel, my dear grandson:

You were with us for such a short time today and then you were gone. Your life was a sunset, here for a moment and then no more. Now your Mother, Father and Grandparents are left with memories of what we hoped you would bring to our lives. We looked forward to hearing you laugh, seeing you smile, holding you in our arms. 

You are loved by your Mom and Dad and your brother and the rest of your family. I hope you know that. 

The Bible tells us that you are wonderfully made, and designed by God Himself. The book of Psalms says that God knew you before he placed you in your mother's womb. You must be something really special for God to change His mind and take you back to be with Him. I know you are special. You were so small and only hours old when you had to leave us. But I promise you, you have already done what only a child of loving parents can do. You have brought your Mom and Dad closer together. You have made them love your big brother all the more. You have made us all draw closer to God. 

There is a time to be born, a time to die, a time to laugh and a time to be sad and a time to mourn. Only God knows why the time between those things is short or long.

Daniel, don't be sad for us, don't mourn for us, we will survive. 

Daniel, I want you to laugh!
I want you to shout for joy because you are with your Heavenly Father!

There is one more thing I want you to do. When Jesus comes to your room, and I know you have one, because the Bible says so, and he offers you His hand to hold and says, "Let's take a walk," go with Him.

When He shows you all the wonderful Heavenly things He has made including the planets and the stars, remember that all of us, your Mom and Dad, your brother, and your grandparents will be looking at them too. Daniel, we will be thinking of you and looking forward to the day that we can take that walk together.

With all my love, 

Your Grandfather. 

In Memory of Daniel Thomas Wheeler
Born 5/4/2011 Died 5/4/2011


I posted this song for my daughter Jeri, my little girl, and Tom, her husband.