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Give Us This Day

Diane and I face another day today, with its joys and its problems. We ask the Lord to provide what we need for today, grace and bread. The grace to forgive, the patience to believe. We pray for our physical needs, including our daily bread.

God will provide all the above, that is what He does for us. For each of us. We are not just one of many, but we are One with Him, if we strive to be so.

God knows us each by name.

He says he knows the number of hairs on our head, and how many we used to have. He designed us and loves us. He also expects things of us, to not give way to evil, which he can deliver us from if and when it comes our way. He doesn’t want us to give in to things that are not of him. Don’t go with the flow, don’t make earthly desires more important than our relationship with him. Don’t be anxious about things, remember he is watching out for us. He knows our needs before we even ask him to take care of them.

I know it isn’t easy to remember just how much he cares for us, especially when all seems to be going wrong around us. It is a big challenge to remember to live and walk with the Lord Jesus when the sinful world seems to be lost, that it makes no sense, where sin instead of righteousness is not only accepted but celebrated.

My prayer for today is that God and his son keep their hands on Diane’s and my heart and mind and our feet on the path that they want us to take even when that path takes us through the Wilderness.

Proverbs 22,

22 Do not exploit the poor because they are poor
    and do not crush the needy in court,
23 for the Lord will take up their case
    and will exact life for life.

24 Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person,
    do not associate with one easily angered,
25 or you may learn their ways
    and get yourself ensnared.

26 Do not be one who shakes hands in pledge
    or puts up security for debts;
27 if you lack the means to pay,
    your very bed will be snatched from under you.

28 Do not move an ancient boundary stone
    set up by your ancestors.

29 Do you see someone skilled in their work?
    They will serve before kings;
    they will not serve before officials of low rank.