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Couch Cushion Fort

I miss my kids and my grand kids. I enjoyed being a dad to my son and daughters. I loved to read to them. They heard my interpretation of the Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.  We played Candy Land, Clue, Risk, well not as much as Joel would have liked, Stratego, put together puzzles.  We skipped rocks and were good at it. We built  couch cushion forts and made a mess in the process. No one minded that. Diane used to say that cleanliness is next to loneliness. Enjoy the kids while they are here, because they will be gone much sooner than you think.    

Sooner comes really fast......They are grown up now, raising kids of their own, working, taking pictures, (Christine and Jeri  get that from their Daddy)  and playing music (Jeri and Joel get that from their Mommy). Diane played guitar when she was pregnant with Joel...He was born with musical rhythms in his head. They have never gone away.

He has and so have Christine and Jeri....the fort is empty.

My two favorites numbers that Joel’s band, The Long Division, performs, he is the drummer.

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Couch Cushion Fort Long/Division Untitled Album

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Skipping Rocks Long/Division Untitled Album

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